My English teacher asked me for something I thought will be impossible: 24 hours without the technology I use the most. In my case it was my dear Facebook This little blue square with a white letter F, is the most valuable App in my phone. I just love it. I check my phone constantly to see what my friends and family, here in the US and in Guatemala , are doing. I thought that 24 hours without it would be a nightmare; but actually I wasn’t that bad. I need to accept that I cheated during my lunch at work. I was alone in the break room, and the TV wasn’t working. I got really bored and decided to surf the web, and without thinking I ended checking my wall. After that I told myself: “Salia it is just 24 hours, what can happen in just one day?” I decided to give it a try. When I come home after work, the first thing that I usually do is check my Face. Last night was different; I actually sit at the living room with my husband and started chatting with him. He looked at me and said: “What happened with your phone.” It was horrible to notice that I wasn’t giving my husband the time he deserves because all my attention was to focus on my little device. I told him: “Nothing, I just don’t want to use it today.” He gave me a strange look, but I think he liked the idea because he was so talkative and interested on my day at work; and I actually was paying attention to him no to my phone’s screen. After this experiment, I noticed that technology has stolen a lot of our human interaction. It was so sad for me to discover that the valuable time I should spend talking with my husband and co-workers; I was wasting it being too focused on a little screen. I know that is interesting to see what other people is doing, but it is more important to share time and pay attention to the people I have close to me.
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